BUWOG employees on tour: excursion and visit to the latest BUWOG projects
BUWOG employees on tour: excursion and visit to the latest BUWOG projects

BUWOG employees on tour: excursion and visit to the latest BUWOG projects

04. 04. 2017 by Peter Friedrich Berchtold

Twice per year we invite our employees to take part in a property tour through Vienna and, as part of it, to visit our latest projects and gain insight into our development activities.

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That was BUWOG Group’s 1st Private Investor Roadshow
That was BUWOG Group’s 1st Private Investor Roadshow

That was BUWOG Group’s 1st Private Investor Roadshow

06. 05. 2015 by BUWOG

For the first time in its history, on 28 and 29 April, the first anniversary of its listing, BUWOG AG gave private investors the chance to meet directly on location with members of the Executive Board and Operational Management.

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Further training opportunities at BUWOG


Further training opportunities at BUWOG

Further training opportunities at BUWOG

12. 02. 2015 by BUWOG

Employees – and thus their collective knowledge, expertise, abilities and competencies – are a company’s biggest asset, so it is essential to foster and cultivate them.

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