In the northwest of Hamburg, the new centre of Stellingen is being built on an area of around seven hectares. The construction sites E and F in a central location on Sportplatzring are being developed by BUWOG Bauträger GmbH. BUWOG is cooperating with social welfare organisations to create a supply of housing.
With diverse forms of housing, retail space and community facilities, the new centre of Stellingen will provide a sense of identity to the district centre of Neue Mitte Stellingen. An attractive and sustainable district centre will be built that takes social housing concepts into consideration as well as high-quality retail and service options based on the local needs of the new district and its surroundings.
BUWOG is cooperating with social welfare organisations

A total of approximately 114 rental apartments and around 44 condominiums will be built. These are designed in such a way that they complement the forms of social housing and create an optimal mix of uses. Zanderroth Architekten of Berlin won the architecture competition for the project. Construction is expected to begin in the second half of 2020.
The Eimsbüttel community building in the northern part of the building complex functions as a contact point for all generations and user groups. In cooperation with Hamburg social welfare organisations, BUWOG is developing a housing supply for a variety of disadvantaged groups as part of the so-called VIVO concept.
There are plans for senior citizens’ apartments, apartments for social-therapeutic living and forms of housing for disabled persons. Eight apartments for youths as well as a caretaker’s apartment are also being built in cooperation with Hamburger Kinder- und Jugendhilfe e.V., a children’s and youth welfare organisation.