BUWOG NEUE MITTE SCHÖNEFELD: sustainable residential space for the future
BUWOG NEUE MITTE SCHÖNEFELD: sustainable residential space for the future

BUWOG NEUE MITTE SCHÖNEFELD: sustainable residential space for the future

20. 06. 2024 by Michael Divé

Where just three years ago a lonely town hall stood on a barren meadow, a new urban development has emerged: BUWOG NEUE MITTE SCHÖNEFELD. While the first residents move in, the boom in the airport community continues.

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city of tomorrow: open House in Potsdam-Krampnitz on 2 September 2023

city of tomorrow: open House in Potsdam-Krampnitz on 2 September 2023

25. 08. 2023 by Michael Divé

In the north of Potsdam, a new residential development for around 10,000 people is being built on grounds that are steeped in history as well as close to nature, nearly car-free, CO2-neutral and family-friendly – an ambitious model urban development project. An open house on 2 September 2023 will provide information on the history and planning.

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BUWOG Dahmebogen: Happy living on the waterfront
BUWOG Dahmebogen: Happy living on the waterfront

BUWOG Dahmebogen: Happy living on the waterfront

24. 04. 2023 by Michael Divé

The cranes are in operation in Grünau, in the southeast of Berlin. Here, on the banks of the Dahme, the newest part of the 52° Nord ensemble BUWOG Dahmebogen is being built. We pay a visit to the location.

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United in diversity – under the BUWOG brand
United in diversity – under the BUWOG brand

United in diversity – under the BUWOG brand

12. 01. 2021 by Michael Divé

In April 2020, the takeover of Hessian project developer Bien-Ries was completed, and the integration is now moving along. As of January 2021, the Hanau-based company will be “rebranded”: Bien-Ries will become BUWOG. This means that new construction activity will be managed nationwide under the uniform brand name.

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